About Us


Market Science aims to provide Crypto traders and investors with a statistical edge through our actionable research reports and robust data solutions.


We believe in objective, concise, and actionable information. By only focusing on the most important market statistics & high quality visualizations we allow traders to make quick data-driven decisions.

Our Customers

Our customers include retail traders, financial institutions, funds, media outlets, research desks and many other investors and companies within the industry.

Market Science was founded in late 2019 as a research project with the goal of providing essential market statistics to Crypto traders and investors . We are confident that our research reports are of the highest standard, with key analytics, high quality visualizations, and interactive charts. Our data science & trading backgrounds allow our team to get a unique perspective on the market that many traders and investors lack. By applying quantitative strategies, machine learning, statistical modeling, and other skills, we can quickly run through large market data sets to determine if there is any edge in the data. Without the skills to do extensive research, you’re missing out on vital information that very well may be effecting your profitability as a trader. Market Science aims to close this gap and provide you with the essential market statistics that you need to make those important data-driven decisions.

Our Team

Quant Fiction    Quant Fiction

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